Secrets of being happy for married couples
Did you know that the definition of deceptive behavior has gradually relaxed over the past 40 years, while the deception rate in US marriages has not increased in the past 20 years? The annual report of the National Marriage Project, run by the University of Virginia, “The Status of Our Relations: Marriage in America 2009” contains a few tips for more information and a happy marriage. We have compiled the most important points of the report for you.

1.Marriage is an economic partnership as well as an emotional partnership.
The economic crisis in 2009 helped families strengthen their ties. Moving towards simple lifestyles such as austerity and eating at home together brought families together in financial matters and increased communication and quality time.
2.Reverse traditional financial responsibilities.
In general, women make their daily and household shopping decisions; men tend to make decisions about long-term investments. Virginia T. professor Richard T. Wilcox proposes to reverse these responsibilities. It is seen that women generally love shopping more and therefore spend more money, resulting in both a practical and emotional result. Typically, when men shop for the home, they spend money more disciplined. But when it comes to investment, they are more likely to trust themselves and take risks. Women, on the other hand, will seek outside professional help to get more information and will eventually be more cautious when making financial decisions.

3.Asking for a lot of “things” does not create a happy relationship.
The first step for a harmonious relationship is to be both an opinion on family budget. But if you still believe that materialistic feelings like having a car, a house or a gold-plated toilet will make you feel better, you’re undermining the satisfaction that your loved one can give you.
4.Define your role yourself.
The idea of ’the mast of the house’ or ‘the man who brought bread to the house’ has long since filled its maturity. Today, with the great unemployment of men and more women continuing to work after birth, it’s time to change our ideas about success and contribution to a good relationship. Those who care about everything can be men, and those who bring home bread can be women, and these can change over the years. Now that you can choose the contribution that the other person will make, why not determine them yourself when all of them are valuable?
Living together in communication, making sacrifices and spending time together increases your contribution to your marriage. Fortunately, the economy also helps us turn these practices into action.